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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The man with the bun  & the woman with the scarf

Sometimes, when u r far away 4m ur home, u learn that people really care for strangers, that caring n sharing doesn't need words, n that there are really gud people in today's otherwise bad times...

My mom has recently returned 4m a travel-trip to Greece n Turkey, n she told me about two such instances:
  • When my parents were searching 4 a place 2 sit in a park where the benches were covered with the recent raindrops n mud, a man sitting n happily munching a bun discerned their discomfiture...he promptly took out his napkin 4m a pocket, cleaned the bench dry, n offering the seats to my parents, he himself moved to the corner of the bench, n continued words were was a simple gesture that nevertheless touched my mom's heart deeply. 
  • One day, it was raining very heavily...some members of the tourist group did not have umbrellas....seeing this, a lady stopped to place her own scarf on the head of one of the tourists(an elderly woman who was getting drenched in the rain), n before the tourists could even thank her, she disappeared in one of the many narrow lanes....but this little gesture of concern was etched forever in my mom's memories....

Sunday, October 9, 2011


A cup of coffee is perfect to start ur day, n to start any conversation, anytime, anywhere. So i hope it'll b a perfect start 4 my blog as well.

 I m a die-hard coffee fan...4 m, coffee is life n life is coffee....

Both hav various aromas n flavours....

Both symbolize vitality n energy...

N both can b had black or white....depends on ur choice...